Skutansloppis & Återbruk Welcome to "Skutans" secondhand Medieval market and jousting A medieval market with knights Karlholm Christmas Market Christmas market with pops, vendors, exhibitors, etc. Hållnäs Sockenråd We are a non-profit organisation, working with rural development for our local community. Skutskärs IF Bandy Welcome to Skutskär's IF Bandy!Swedish fine culture for more than 100 years. Upplands Motorfestival Welcome to Tierp Arena and the Motor festival Gröna källan in Älvkarleby Garden centre with café and gift shop. We offer garden jobs and flower deliveries + courses/events The Karlholm Day Sales of artisanal handicrafts by local and external craftsmen, mopeds and much, much more. Företagsgrupp Älvkarleby Local events hosted by the business association of Älvkarleby municipality. Sikhjälma Gammelhamn A special hideaway with sunrise and sunset by the sea. Rent a canoe/S.U.P. Unique natural flora. Fallens dag in Älvkarleby Magical and powerful when the dam hatches open and Älvkarlebyfallen fills up with rushing water. Butik Spektra Second hand shop and café next to Örbyhus train station.